Boutique Marketing Company for Small Businesses
No Sales or Account Managers to Work Through
35 Years Marketing Experience
Over 14 Years Residential Service Marketing
Graduate of the #1 Rated Marketing Masters Degree Program in the Country
Inside Edge has been providing marketing expertise to companies in Seattle since 2008. We are a small team of marketing professionals lead by Mark Waldin, President. The company prides itself on understanding local marketing and especially contractor service/professional service marketing better than any other company in Seattle.
By focusing on local businesses we can explain the full breadth of marketing methods available in a way that no individual contractor can match. Combine that with our world class marketing expertise and technical skills and Inside Edge can and does take on any and all challenges presented to Seattle service companies.
Inside Edge is a breath of fresh air in a sea of 'call center agents'. You get to talk to someone that actually understands your business, knows the marketing options available to you, and isn't trying to hit today's quota for new account sign ups. While many other marketing companies are trying to make what works for them (and their wallet) work for you, Inside Edge stands out by taking the time to understand your goals and suggest methods that will work with your business goals, marketing needs and your wallet
Imagine what that could do for your local service business!